Combined Civil Services Examination-IV (Group-IV). Applications are
invited from eligible candidates only through online mode upto 28.04.2022 for Direct
Recruitment against the vacancies in the following posts included in the Tamil Nadu
Ministerial Service, Tamil Nadu Judicial Ministerial Service, Tamil Nadu Secretariat
Service, Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly Secretariat Service, Tamil Nadu Slum
Clearance Board Non-Technical Subordinate Service and Tamil Nadu Housing Board
Subordinate Service.
Note :
(i) *Vacancies shown here are the vacancies after deducting 3% of vacancies for
the reservation for meritorious sportspersons as per G.O.(Ms).No.6, Youth
Welfare and Sports Development (S1) Department, Dated 20.02.2019
(ii) Unless and otherwise specified, the number of vacancies notified is
approximate and is liable to modification as indicated in Para 11-A of
“Instructions to Applicants”.
(iii) The Carried forward vacancies details for the above said posts will be added
before the start of the Counselling process.
(iv) First, the selection will be made for the carried forward vacancies [Section 27
of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016]
(v) Secondly, the selection will be made for regular vacancies following the rule
of reservation of appointments.