TET Coaching Center in Coimbatore

TET Exam:

TET (Teacher Eligibility Test) Exam is conducted by the TRB (Teacher’s Recruitment Board). This exam is conducted for recruiting eligible teachers for the government schools. Candidates those who want to work in the government they must write this TET Exam. TET Exam has conducted on two levels. They are CTET and State TET. CTET which means Central TET conducted by the central government. State TET is conducted in every state and the name of the TET Exam is each state will differ. For example, if the Tamil Nadu government has conducted the TET then it is called as TNTET (Tamil Nadu), if the Andhra Pradesh government is conducting the TET exam then it is referred to as APTET (Andhra PradeshTET), and it goes on for every state. Candidates who pass the TET exam with 60% mark will get the TET certificate. This TET certificate has some validity period, so by utilizing this validity period of time candidates have to join in the government school. Once the validity is over candidates can’t able to join the school. CTET certificate is valid for 7 years and the StateTET certificate is valid for 5 years. General category candidates have to get a minimum of 60% i.e. 90/150 marks and reserved category candidates to have to get a minimum of 55% i.e. 82/150 marks to eligible in the TET Exam.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Age limit: Candidate age should minimum 18yrs to maximum 40yrs.
  • Education qualification: Degree of bachelor and diploma in Elementary education.

Exam Pattern of TET:

TET Exam has two papers (paper I and paper II) which multiple choice question type exam conducted for 150 marks with one and half time duration. There will be no negative marks for wrong answer.

Exam syllabus for TET:

Paper – I:

  • Child Development and pedagogy – 30 question
  • Language I (Tamil and other languages) – 30 questions
  • Language II (English) -30 questions
  • Mathematics and Environmental Studies – 30 questions

Paper – II:

  • Child Development and pedagogy – 30 questions
  • Language I (Tamil and other languages) – 30 questions
  • Language II (English) – 30 questions
  • Mathematics and Science / Social Science – 60 questions

About We Shine Academy:

We Shine Academy is the best and foremost coaching institute for TET Exam. We will follow the holistic approach to guide the candidates. Our faculties are well dedicated and experienced in guiding the candidates for TET Exam. Their teaching method will be understandable and simple. We have the best classroom, study hall library, and precise study material is provided for the preparation. We will give excelling coaching and guidance with the right knowledge which will help the candidates to achieve their goal as a teacher.

Now we took a new initiative that we are conducting TET Online coaching for candidates that help them to prepare from anywhere at any time. This online coaching classes will be handled by our well qualified and experienced staff. They will explain the concepts in a comprehensive and lucid way. We provide best and standard study materials in soft copy which will be email. Online test will be conducted for candidates which will help them to know about their mistake doing in the exam and they will get the chance to correct their mistake. In doubt clearing, session candidates can clear your queries.

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