Police Exam
Police Examination is a highly preferred exam which is being attended by many of the aspirants. Police examination is constituted by Tamil Nadu Uniformed Services Recruitment Board – TNUSRB. Many Aspirants trying hard to get placed on it. While you are preparing for Police Exam, the candidates must prepare themselves both physical and mentally. The Aspirants can make sure that they have the best guidance to get placed in this exam. Working in Police department is considered as a most prestigious job. This hikes to get placed in this department.
Recruitment Process
- Written Test
- Medical Test
- Physical Test
- Interview Round
- Document Verification
- Use of Tables and Graphs.
- Percentage
- Discount
- Decimals and Fractions.
- Time and Distance.
- Ratio and Proportion.
- Mensuration
- Fundamental arithmetical operations.
- Number Systems.
- Computation of Whole Numbers.
- Time and Work.
- The relationship between Numbers.
- Data Interpretation.
- Profit and Loss.
- Average
- Ratio and Time.
- Simple & Compound Interest.
- Number Systems.
- Simplification
- Ratio and Proportion.
- Square Roots.
- Interest
- Time and Distance.
- Races and Games.
- Problems on Trains.
- C.F. and L.C.M.
- Problems on Ages.
- Time and Work.
- Race and Games
- Mixture and Alligation.
- Boats and Streams.
- Cube Roots.
- Pipes and Cisterns.
- Partnership
- Profit and Loss.
- Discounts etc.
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Physical Training
- We focus on all the training required for police exam.
- For a male, there are some specific Training like Roping, High jump, Long Jump, 400/100 meters running.
- Time management is vital when comes to the exam.
Eligibility Criteria For Men:-
1.Rope-climbing 1*(5mtrs) & 2*(6mtrs)
2.Long Jump 1*(3.8mtrs for Long Jump) & 2*(4.50mtrs for Long Jump)
3.High Jump 1*(1.20mtrs for High Jump) & 2* (1.40mtrs for High Jump)
4.Running 100mtrs 1*(15sec) & 2*(13.50sec) & 200mtrs 1*(80sec) & 2*(70sec)
- We focus on some specific training for them as per the exam rules.
- We train the female candidate with time management and Cricket ball throw.
Eligibility Criteria
For Women:-
1.Long Jump 1*(3mtrs) & 2*(3.75mtrs)
2.Shotput Throw/Cricket Ball Throw 1*(4.25mtrs) & 2*(5.50mtrs)
3.Running 100mtrs 1*(17.50sec) & 2*(15.50sec)
4.Running 200mtrs 1*(38.00sec) & 2*(33.00sec)
We shine Academy is a most reputed and effective Police Coaching Centre in Madurai for police examination training. We Shine offers the best training which also includes physical training. To train their student is an much effective way WE SHINE ACADEMY launched FREE PHYSICAL TRAINING. The physical training is being the best for police exam training. The Aspirants will have a proper vision with our guidance. Each and every session of training will bring out the best in you both physically and mentally.