Full Stack Web Development training in Chennai


  1. Introduction to Web Languages
  2. HTML & HTML 5
  3. CSS & CSS3
  4. Twitter Bootstrap
  5. JavaScript
  6. Layout Designing

Angular Course

  1. Introduction to Framework
  2. Typescript Fundamentals
  3. Data Binding
  4. Directives
  5. Component Management
  6. Template Driven Form
  7. Reactive Form
  8. Dynamic Form
  9. Custom Form Validation
  10. Pipes
  11. Services
  12. Routing
  13. Route Guard
  14. Event Emitter & Subject
  15. HTTP & Observables & Interceptors
  16. Project : Ecommerce web application
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  1. Features and Benefits
  2. Introduction to V8 Engine
  3. Introduction to NPM
  4. HTTP Web Server
  5. Custom Frame work setup
  6. Express JS
  7. Database handling (MongoDB – NoSQL)
  8. In Memory Database
  9. File Systems and Command line Arguments
  10. Rest API setup
  11. C/C++ Addon with N-API
  12. Project : Real time Application

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